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  • Juliette Hyland

New Year, new goals

Happy New Year! The book of 2017 has closed and 2018 is officially here. Last year, I made several related to my writing goals.

My 2017 Writing Resolutions were :

1. Submit my novel to publishers - given that the query letter and manuscript are done this should be easy but hitting that submit button is SCARY!

2. Put pen to paper (or words into the computer) every day, even if it only for twenty minutes.

3. Take a copy editing course - my editing skills are decent but need some polishing.

I managed to keep the first one. So one-third is not bad. Still I am not making any resolutions this year. I plan to keep writing, submitting and pushing forward with my goals.

As 2018 opens may everyone have a blank page, a pen to create and no writer's block!

As 2018 opens may everyone have a blank page, a pen to create and no writer's block!

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