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Juliette Hyland
Apr 7, 2019
Writing is a Job
“Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life…”
This quote gets bandied around a lot. It’s been attributed to

Juliette Hyland
Apr 3, 2018
A Wife's Secret
My husband is dead…my husband is dead…my husband is dead. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Rowena reread the breaking news banner...

Juliette Hyland
Jan 22, 2018
It's Just...
It took me years to take the phrase, "it's just..." out of my vocabulary. I recently wrote it in my upcoming short story, The

Juliette Hyland
Jan 10, 2018
My Writing World
A few years ago, my husband bought me a desk. Its a small faux wood job that he picked up from Walmart. Fancy it is not but it was a...

Juliette Hyland
Nov 20, 2017
40k Words and Cookies
Today I reached forty-thousand words and also wrote my favorite scene so far this nano. As I stated in a previous post, I actually...

Juliette Hyland
Oct 31, 2017
NanoWrimo 2017
Nanowrimo, also known as National Novel Month starts in less that two days! I have participated in this event since 2014. The basic idea...

Juliette Hyland
Sep 16, 2017
The Crazy Moments
The editor accepted my proposal and wanted the full manuscript. I became the crazy person in the airport. I am certain, the gentleman sittin

Juliette Hyland
Aug 11, 2017
Writing Truths: Procrastination Happens
The truth is procrastination won. For several days I promised myself that tomorrow it would get done. These are not long posts - they don

Juliette Hyland
Jul 7, 2017
Writing Truths: Rejection is Never Fun
Lesson 1: Rejection is Never Fun, and it comes in more than the standard form letter. A few weeks ago I entered a competition and today foun

Juliette Hyland
May 29, 2017
What does writing look like?
There are a plethora of books written on the subject of writing. I have read at least a dozen and countless blog posts. From a few I...

Juliette Hyland
May 21, 2017
When you lose your words
2017 was going to be the year I took my writing to the next level! For years no one, other than my husband, knew that I wrote. I quietly did

Juliette Hyland
Jan 15, 2017
Writers Write...Except when they don't
Let's talk about writer's block. If you have spent any time on your craft, you have likely experienced this dreaded bed fellow.

Juliette Hyland
Jan 1, 2017
Writer's Resolutions
Writer's Goals for the New Year!
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